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The trainings listed are just a few that can be
provided to you. Please feel free to call or email - we'll be happy to tailor training to your needs.

S-130 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

This is a four day course that can be completed in four days straight or over two weekends.

This course teaches about basic wildland firefighting concepts. With this course the student will also get L-180 Basic Leadership and I -100 Basic ICS.

S-190 Basic Wildland Fire Weather

This is a one day class that will teach the student about basic weather and how it influences fire behavior.

We can tailor training to your needs; contact us today!

S-212 Chain Saw Operations

The student will learn proper chainsaw cutting techniques and basic maintenance of the chainsaw.

S-211 Field Pumps

The student will learn how to use various pumps for wildland fire fighting, water flow calculations and proper hose lays for wildland fire fighting.

Training: Welcome
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