Prescribed Burning
Prescribed Burning Services
RX Fire Effects, a leading provider of prescribed fire services in Virginia, offers solutions for land management through controlled burning. Our team is experienced in complex fire environments. Whether you are looking to boost capacity or need extra resources on your next burn RX Fire Effects has it covered with our suite of Type 6 Fire Engines and UTV's with pumper units. We also provide four-person fire modules and felling teams for all of your preparation needs. Our team follows National Wildland Coordinating Group (NWCG) guidelines for qualifications, and we have VA State Certified Burn Managers on staff.
Planning & Consultation
Burn Plan writing (VDOF exemption applications)
Burn Unit Design
Weather tracking and smoke management
Fire break preparation
Fire break construction
Tree falling and brush removal
Dozer work
Day of Burn
Engines & Water handling equipment
Experience moderating/accelerating fire to meet objectives
Trained and reliable fire fighters
Post Burn Day
Post burn monitoring & evaluation
Securing and checking burns
Rehabilitation of fire breaks or disturbed area​